Liberia has two forms of currency, or money. First, US bills are accepted everywhere. Coins, however, are not. Second, Liberia has its own form of money called LD (Liberian Dollars). They are available in increments of $5, $10, $25, $50, and $100. Famous Liberians (William R. Tolbert, Jr.; Samuel K. Doe; William V. S. Tubman; Joseph J. Roberts; Edward J. Roye) are on the money. I haven’t done much research on these people yet, but I have recognized their names in the form of street names and holidays.
All of the money is old and dirty. It gives me the willies just to handle the bills, and I find myself constantly reaching for the instant hand sanitizer after I pay for something or receive change.
Roughly, the conversion rate between US and LD is 70 to 1. Meaning that $1 US is equal to $70 LD. (Sometimes you can get a rate of $72 LD per dollar, but that only helps if you are exchanging values of $5 US or more.
QUESTION: If I have $770 LD, how many US dollars do I have?
Some street vendors will not accept US dollar bills at face value because they are often counterfeited. If you pay in US dollar bills, your money may only be worth 50 LD per dollar.
Some grocery stores list their prices in US money and others in LD. Imagine how shocked I was at first to see a can of Raid bug spray for $195.00! I did a double-take before I realized that this price tag was in LD.
QUESTION: At Green Land I bought bug spray for $195 LD. At Abi Jaodi, I bought the same size and type of bug spray for $2.50 US. Which store offers the better deal on bug spray?
Note: The pictures below show the $100 and $50 in Liberian bills. I chose the cleanest bills I could find to photograph. However, the murky, gray $5 LD is more typically what is given as change.